
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Womans Worth

A woman is worth far more than her weight in gold. She is more precious than any jewel. A woman is stronger than the world's strongest man. How is that you say? A woman carries the burdens of the world on her shoulder while keeping a smile on her face day to day. Her body goes through more changes than anyone can imagine while also having the ability to carry a child for nine months. With tears in her eys she can manage to say I'm ok knowing she's not but she has to remain strong. She cooks, cleans, pays the bills, go to work, raise the kids, go to school, be an active parent in the kids school life and an active parent in the kids life out of school. She's the nurse late at night when the kids are sick. She's the best friend that's always there to listen. She's a lover like no other. So why is it that there are so many women that don't know their worth? They allow themselves to abused mentally, physically and emotionally. They refuse to want more in life and make excuses as to why that can't have. Newsflash you are a woman! There are no boundaries as to what can be. The abuse needs to stop! The laziness needs to stop! The excuses needs to stop! Why limit yourself to what you can have? You can have that man if you let that man go (mr abuser). You can have that job if you get out and get it. Stop settling! You are a woman and it's time you know your worth!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Sometimes feelings can get the best and then the worst of us. Feelings can cloud your judgement on things that may be of great importance. My vision was very cloudy in 1998-2000. So cloudy that I felt a dark cloud followed me around. I was miserable beyond means but because my heart was with him I stayed. Through the fights, lies, cheating etc I stayed like a fool. One day though I got on my knees and prayed to God to give me back my joy and that's what he did. I tried to fight it at first but then I realized it was my prayer being answered and I had to endure the hurt to get to my joy. Sometimes in life because we may feel so strong about a person we tend to cause more hurt and pain upon ourselves by allowing them to stay than to just let them go. This can be a relationship or even a friendship. Don't continue to allow those dark clouds to follow you. Time heals all wounds and trust me life will go on but why allow it to go on in misery. Yes I know some of you may be thinking....well we do have our happy moments as I did. However, when you tally the happy to the sad which outweighs the other?? My point is we all deserve true happiness as we only have one life to live so why not live it to it's fullest potential and that is happy. Never allow you inner insecurites deprive you of your joy! It's time to step out on faith and live by letting go!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I try not to go back and touch on subjects that I have wrote about before but sometimes I think we all can afford a refresher. I am one that can not 100% forgive a person for wrong doings and I know that the bible speaks of forgive as God shall forgive you but let me explain. I say I forgive but I don't forget and by not forgetting then I'm not totally forgiving. So often these days that has come to haunt so many people because grudges are being held and death takes away life then it's too late. One of the parties is gone. Going back to 2001 my mother and her neighbor had a very bad falling out. As the ambulance wheeled my mother out of her home her neighbor was standing upstairs looking down but neither mumbled a word to each other. Neither one of them knew that would be the last time they saw each other. Her neighbor said to me after getting word of her passing that she was sorry and that they both were too old to be feuding like they were but again it was too late for sorry. The moral of my blog today is not only to help you but to help myself. Right now I do hold ill feelings towards a few people but my reasons reflect around my kids and theres that one person who caused me more hurt than they will ever know. I was damaged mentally so for their forgiveness from me I have to pray hard.....real hard. For you my friends I'm quite sure there is that one person that you fell out with over he say she say I say you say or just something very petty, end it now. If it's nothing but an email, text, phone call or letter let that person know that you are willing to be the bigger person and let the past be of the past. I'm not saying that you have to be best buds or what have you but just don't let today go by without making amends. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone and it's a pain like no other to carry on once that person is gone. Ask me how I know........because I still ain't forgave myself!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Just one of those days!!

Have you ever had just one of those days. I ain't talkin bout one of those Monica days cause some people need to take it personal. I will be the first to openly admit that I try my hardest to be kind but somedays I just have to exhale. Sometimes you have to cry, vent, walk, excerise or do whatever it takes to release those inner feelings. There will be days when you feel like nothing is going right. Days when you feel that the world is on your shoulder. Days when the funds are low and the debts are high. Well I am here to tell you that you are not alone. We all have those days. Sometimes they come all to often and then for some they come sparingly. However, we have to look at the big picture......we've been there before and pulled through so what makes today any different than others? Nothing but the name of that day. It's ok to cry, be mad and just don't care to be bothered but just don't let it keep you down. Onething about me is that I'm not ashamed of my past nor present so I will openly admit to you all that I went to the pit of the pits but I came back up. I still have my days but I still make it through. Sometimes I have to remind myself when I'm having one of those days that it could be worse and that's what some of you need to do as well. Also surround yourself with positive things and people that will help you make it through those days. Sometimes all it takes is a few kind words that could turn that frown upside down.

Monday, September 5, 2011

How to love!

I've had my fair share of ups and downs and ins and outs when it comes to relationships but the one that hit me hardest was being in love with someone else's man. Yeah I said it! I fell hard for a man who could never be mine because for that one simple fact...he was married and no matter how much he said the words I love you I knew that love was not as strong as the love for his wife. So finally I made up in my mind that I had to let go. Cold turkey and it was hard at first but I did it. So now my guards are up. Why? Because I got attached to something that I let go that could never be mine anyways. As with any man/woman just as they walk into your life they can walk right out. My father taught me something just by watching his lifestyle from the outside. No matter how long him and his wife were apart she could always comeback home. However, now that he has found someone that he knows has his best interest at heart I'm honestly scared that he might mess it up. But why? Why do we let what's obviously bad for us come between what is good for us? My answer to that is we don't know how to love. Some of you might be saying ok she done lost me but no I haven't. How to love is to love yourself first. Don't put your heart into anyone that has the potential to hurt you. If he/she abuses you mentally, physically and emotionally then that's not love and if you stay then you honestly have no love for yourself. I finally fell in love with me and I must admit even though I may get lonely at times at least I know my heart is shielded!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Pursuit of Happiness

I was asked a question this week that I was asked to present on my blog. The question is do you put money over happiness? For instance you are offered a job to shovel ditches and you do it because you don't have any other income. Day one they paid you $9.00/hr and after you finished shoveling the ditches they told you to fill it back up. Now this makes no sense but you do it anyways. The next day you go back to do the same thing but today there are more ditches and the hours are longer but they raised the pay by $2. Again after shoveling all this dirt out the ditches you have to pack them back. At the end of the day you are tired and really starting to think is it worth. The others have stated that they won't be back tomorrow if they are called to come back. Now you are left with the decision to make either work at a job you hate but the pay is good or quit and continue to search for what makes you happy? Sometimes the pursuit of happiness will lead you down a path of sadness before you can reach true happiness. I made up in my mind that I would never work for customer service again as it was a job that I hated but look at me now. I'm back on the phones and have been there for almost a year and a half and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon unless God see fit to send me something better.  I have two kids that I have to take care of so to quit my job and just focus on my dream to own my own business would be foolish. No income means no bills paid and no bills paid means no roof over our heads. So as you can see you have to put priorities over happiness sometimes because while waiting on that happiness you will lye in misery.