
Tuesday, April 26, 2011


These past couple of years has really taught me the true meaning of friendship. Three years ago I lost someone very important to me as I did not value our friendship as I should have. I thank God that he brought us back together and I will never let her leave me again. No homo but that's my boo. Along the way though I have meant some very interesting people. Some that didn't quite make the cut and others that I clicked with automatically. Then there were the phonies. Yeah they were what you call a wolf in sheep's clothing. I did not listen to others and what they had to say I guess it took for me to find out on my own. Some it's taken decades and I see things will never change. God has blessed me now with the knowledge though to let go and grow with the ones that are willing to be there for me every step of the way. A true friend doesn't wait months and months before they call you to check on you when they have not had any type of communication with you. A true friend knows when that smile is fake and there's something wrong. A true friend not only hears but sees the pain in your eyes and is going to be there for you through whatever it may be that you are going through. A true friend loves you for who you are not what they can get out of you. A true friend will tell it to you like it is whether you like it or not because it's all in love. A true friend will never do or say anything that could cause you great harm. A true friend is always happy for your accomplishments whether big or small and is always looking for ways to help you reach your goal. There are so many more things that a true friend is but the one thing a true friend isn't is an enemy!

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