
Thursday, January 5, 2012

I made it!!

So the time has come when a sense of joy has overwhelmed my heart. Today I received notifiaction regarding my graduation date for my Associates in Business. I still plan on going into the Bachelors program but keeping it real with myself it took me forever to make it here so I think I'm gonna walk cause that Bachelors could take some time as well. This hasn't been an easy road for me. I've swithched my majors and even had to switch schools due to my failing of my math course repeatedly. However, through it all I didn't give up. Pregnant and all I was there. It was after my last child I decided to take a break and then switch my major. As far as a support system I haven't had one. I have been my own support. No one volunteered to keep my daugher while I went to school. So she stayed with her friends on nights when I had class. After my baby was born I realized that no one really would watch a baby so this is where I began my online journey. Last year I received my techinical certificate in office support but I didn't stop there. $30,000.00 in student loans and I still refuse to give up. Now with four weeks remaining in my Associates class I look back at it all and say I made it. Even my own father didn't have the faith in me that I could make it neither does he even ask how is school coming along but inspite of it all I have pushed myself. You see life wasn't handed to me on a silver platter but I made it my business to never quit even when at times I doubted myself. The world lies in await for my downfall but I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news..I may fall down but I get back up again and my fight is harder with every blow. So when people tell you that you can't you tell them that you can and you will and let that be your motivation to succeed. I did and look at me now....rising business owner, single parent, motivator, and to add to my list I am now a Phoenix! (Phoenix is the term for graduates of the University of Phoenix.)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Far Away From Here

I often love to sit and listen to the song Far away from here. I know the moral may be slightly different from the way I feel but all in all it is quite the same. Today started out all wrong and its ending... well lets just say no better than it started and that's with life. Never take my words and think I am ungrateful but the inner me wants and needs more. I really need to get away from all the stress and worries of the world and take a vacation to a place where no one knows my name. I know that many of you feel the same but just don't come out and say it. Well just know you are not alone. Everyone needs some time to get away. Time away from your job, kids, family, relationship etc. If you don't find this time then you may just self destruct. We may not be able to take a week but at least get you in one day. If you can turn off your phone or turn the ringer off. Take a walk on the beach or a walk in the park as fresh air is always needed to clear your head. As you take this walk ask yourself what can you change or let go that is holding you back and the next step is to just do it. However, most importantly seek someone who is supportive of you and is always there to encourage you. God is the higher being to take it to but he has angels here on earth to help him in the process. I know that I am a work in progress but I'm always here for any one of you if need someone to talk to, shoulder to cry on or even vent to. I'm getting far away tomorrow because if I don't then what good will I be to anyone else and I think it's time you take a day and do the same.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dead Weight

Have you ever felt like the burdens of the world are weighing you down? Or that there are people in your life that are keeping you from excelling to that next level. These are the people that don't support you in anything you seek out to do. Whether it be to go back to school, to apply for that job, to step out on faith and open your own business or whatever the case my be they always have something negative to say. Well I've been there and back so many times and I think it's time to put myself on a weight loss plan that will remove all of this dead weight for good. Trials and tribulations will come as they are just a part of life and they are designed to make you stronger. Consider them the weights that you lift at the gym to help you tone up. Now the people that are holding you back you gotta hit the treadmill and walk right on out of their grasp while sweating that weight away. I'm tired of being weighed down and I am determined to live a healthier lifestyle. So will you join me? Are you ready for the challenge? I guarantee you that you will feel a whole lot better as I've already started!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Never Give Up

It's been a little over six months since I started this blog. As with anything that we put or minds to we expect results sooner than later. As time progressed I have gained a reader or two but not as many as I would have hoped. By now I just knew that my blog would be blossoming and that would give me more motivation to work towards my building. Well things haven't quite worked out like I hoped but instead of giving up I'm just going to strive harder. Quitting is always the easiest way to get out of something, but ask yourself what does that say about your character? If you keep quitting then what will you ever accomplish? I don't want to die knowing that I had dreams that I never full filled and some of them I may not but at least I will know that I died trying. II Chance may never make it to be that large corporation that I would like for it to be but this blog is evidence that I tried. Each and everyday that I log on and write a new blog that proves to me that I have it in me to make my dreams come true. The word can't no longer resides in my vocabulary as it means I can and never tried.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

True Colors

I was once told when a person shows you their true colors believe them. I was kind of nieve to the phrase but life has taught me otherwise. I have friends and then I have real friends. Friends are those that just pop up here and there. Real friends are the ones that pop up here and there but when they pop up they never leave you high and dry. They always leave an impression on your heart whether it be from a kind word or two or just a gesture that they have done. I have a friend that I can honestly say I have never fell out with. She comes around periodically and she's always been very supportive. Never have I ever heard her say anything negative about me or my life. She has never judged me and if she did I will probably never know. Ahhh but then there are the others. The selfish self centered ones. I try to do unto others as I want them to do unto me but it doesn't quite work like that. Sadly, I am now seeing people for their true colors. 2011 has taught me so much without saying a mumbling word. Actions has caused a changed in the way I look at people for I now see them for who they are. We all need to take a step back and look at the people that we call friend. Evaluate their actions...birthdays, holidays, gatherings or just a time when you are down and really need a friend. Who sees through that fake smile and ask you "So whats really wrong?" Who is there when you are up and even when you are down. Those are the ones that deserve the title friend. It's time we all start looking with our eyes at the real picture and not the imitations!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Womans Worth

A woman is worth far more than her weight in gold. She is more precious than any jewel. A woman is stronger than the world's strongest man. How is that you say? A woman carries the burdens of the world on her shoulder while keeping a smile on her face day to day. Her body goes through more changes than anyone can imagine while also having the ability to carry a child for nine months. With tears in her eys she can manage to say I'm ok knowing she's not but she has to remain strong. She cooks, cleans, pays the bills, go to work, raise the kids, go to school, be an active parent in the kids school life and an active parent in the kids life out of school. She's the nurse late at night when the kids are sick. She's the best friend that's always there to listen. She's a lover like no other. So why is it that there are so many women that don't know their worth? They allow themselves to abused mentally, physically and emotionally. They refuse to want more in life and make excuses as to why that can't have. Newsflash you are a woman! There are no boundaries as to what can be. The abuse needs to stop! The laziness needs to stop! The excuses needs to stop! Why limit yourself to what you can have? You can have that man if you let that man go (mr abuser). You can have that job if you get out and get it. Stop settling! You are a woman and it's time you know your worth!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Sometimes feelings can get the best and then the worst of us. Feelings can cloud your judgement on things that may be of great importance. My vision was very cloudy in 1998-2000. So cloudy that I felt a dark cloud followed me around. I was miserable beyond means but because my heart was with him I stayed. Through the fights, lies, cheating etc I stayed like a fool. One day though I got on my knees and prayed to God to give me back my joy and that's what he did. I tried to fight it at first but then I realized it was my prayer being answered and I had to endure the hurt to get to my joy. Sometimes in life because we may feel so strong about a person we tend to cause more hurt and pain upon ourselves by allowing them to stay than to just let them go. This can be a relationship or even a friendship. Don't continue to allow those dark clouds to follow you. Time heals all wounds and trust me life will go on but why allow it to go on in misery. Yes I know some of you may be thinking....well we do have our happy moments as I did. However, when you tally the happy to the sad which outweighs the other?? My point is we all deserve true happiness as we only have one life to live so why not live it to it's fullest potential and that is happy. Never allow you inner insecurites deprive you of your joy! It's time to step out on faith and live by letting go!!