
Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Pursuit of Happiness

I was asked a question this week that I was asked to present on my blog. The question is do you put money over happiness? For instance you are offered a job to shovel ditches and you do it because you don't have any other income. Day one they paid you $9.00/hr and after you finished shoveling the ditches they told you to fill it back up. Now this makes no sense but you do it anyways. The next day you go back to do the same thing but today there are more ditches and the hours are longer but they raised the pay by $2. Again after shoveling all this dirt out the ditches you have to pack them back. At the end of the day you are tired and really starting to think is it worth. The others have stated that they won't be back tomorrow if they are called to come back. Now you are left with the decision to make either work at a job you hate but the pay is good or quit and continue to search for what makes you happy? Sometimes the pursuit of happiness will lead you down a path of sadness before you can reach true happiness. I made up in my mind that I would never work for customer service again as it was a job that I hated but look at me now. I'm back on the phones and have been there for almost a year and a half and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon unless God see fit to send me something better.  I have two kids that I have to take care of so to quit my job and just focus on my dream to own my own business would be foolish. No income means no bills paid and no bills paid means no roof over our heads. So as you can see you have to put priorities over happiness sometimes because while waiting on that happiness you will lye in misery.

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