
Sunday, October 9, 2011

True Colors

I was once told when a person shows you their true colors believe them. I was kind of nieve to the phrase but life has taught me otherwise. I have friends and then I have real friends. Friends are those that just pop up here and there. Real friends are the ones that pop up here and there but when they pop up they never leave you high and dry. They always leave an impression on your heart whether it be from a kind word or two or just a gesture that they have done. I have a friend that I can honestly say I have never fell out with. She comes around periodically and she's always been very supportive. Never have I ever heard her say anything negative about me or my life. She has never judged me and if she did I will probably never know. Ahhh but then there are the others. The selfish self centered ones. I try to do unto others as I want them to do unto me but it doesn't quite work like that. Sadly, I am now seeing people for their true colors. 2011 has taught me so much without saying a mumbling word. Actions has caused a changed in the way I look at people for I now see them for who they are. We all need to take a step back and look at the people that we call friend. Evaluate their actions...birthdays, holidays, gatherings or just a time when you are down and really need a friend. Who sees through that fake smile and ask you "So whats really wrong?" Who is there when you are up and even when you are down. Those are the ones that deserve the title friend. It's time we all start looking with our eyes at the real picture and not the imitations!


  1. GIRL STOP IT...too much and too dead on for me Bren. Girl when I tell you that you HIT THAT RIGHT ON THE HEAD

  2. Yes, life has taught me many lessons over the years regarding friends. There are somethings you just accept because we make ourselves believe thats just who they are. Well I am tired of settling. People always say I have a close circle well sometime you get tired of going aroung that same loop. I am lining up the people in my life and we are going to walk that line to the end.
