
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Just one of those days!!

Have you ever had just one of those days. I ain't talkin bout one of those Monica days cause some people need to take it personal. I will be the first to openly admit that I try my hardest to be kind but somedays I just have to exhale. Sometimes you have to cry, vent, walk, excerise or do whatever it takes to release those inner feelings. There will be days when you feel like nothing is going right. Days when you feel that the world is on your shoulder. Days when the funds are low and the debts are high. Well I am here to tell you that you are not alone. We all have those days. Sometimes they come all to often and then for some they come sparingly. However, we have to look at the big picture......we've been there before and pulled through so what makes today any different than others? Nothing but the name of that day. It's ok to cry, be mad and just don't care to be bothered but just don't let it keep you down. Onething about me is that I'm not ashamed of my past nor present so I will openly admit to you all that I went to the pit of the pits but I came back up. I still have my days but I still make it through. Sometimes I have to remind myself when I'm having one of those days that it could be worse and that's what some of you need to do as well. Also surround yourself with positive things and people that will help you make it through those days. Sometimes all it takes is a few kind words that could turn that frown upside down.


  1. Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!, all day long I have been like can things get any worse. I had to let so many people go cause dead weight will bring you down. I have learned through this blog that through my storms to keep walking cause in the end there will be sunshine. Bren I commend you for leading others to talk about what so many of us want to say but are so afraid of allowing others in. Im glad that we have this sisterhood and that we can pray for each other and offer uplifting words of encouragement. Keep up the good work, until tomorrow.
