
Sunday, August 28, 2011


Have you ever felt like you are running away from something? This something could be love, family, business, problems, etc! My thing that I'm running from right now is love. I know what I want and I see it in a person but for some reason I'm fighting it. I think the mind and the heart are two things that just don't see eye to eye and in this thing called love that's not a good thing. I'm learning though that I have to make a decision and that decision is to go with whats going to make me happy. When is it time to stand up to what you are running from and face it head on? If not now then when? After running for so long you get tired and once you are tired you eventually fall and it's at that moment when you fall that the very issue that you have been running from either runs over you or captures you and at that point you have either lost the battle or have to face it. So would you rather it beat you or you face it. After writing this I realize I am going to stop running and do what it takes to enjoy this thing called life! 

1 comment:

  1. Stop running Bren you deserve this and so much more. Embrace the love...Im happy and excited for you.
