
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Forgive and Forget!`

A while ago I wrote about forgiving and forgetting on my Facebook page. I am always hearing that you have to forgive and forget but many of us forgive but never forget. Well just in case you didn't know that means that you never really forgive them because the thought always lingers in your mind. The hurt caused always lies within your heart and at every chance you get you bring up whatever that person did to hurt you . So how do you move on? You let go and don't look back. I know that may be hard to do but honestly do you think people change. Some but that percentage is slim to none and if you can't forget about what happened before then it will never work. As I have said before I lost a friend but got her back and I refuse to let her go ever again. We may not see eye to eye on some things but I've learned to value our friendship more and that's what has made things work. So in this case I changed. Now on the other hand when it comes to relationships in all that I have been in I fell for the I won't do it again but they did it again and it took something drastic to make me move on and I promise I will never turn back. So it's up to you as an individual to know whether you can look pass the hurt and pain and move on and not look back or to leave it as it is by letting go. Always remember to love someone else you must first love yourself and by setting yourself up for something you know is not going to work then that's not showing that you love yourself at all!


  1. I'm not really sure what you are talking about but I get the gist of what you are saying. Of course we don't forget what others have done to us but we sure forget what we do to others. As far as change goes I relate it to a scar. The wound starts fresh, scabs over to heal then sometimes it’s picked at but by the end of the healing process a mark is left. No matter how much it fades or Mederma you use its still there. May be faint but there (meaning still the same). So sure some of us may want to change, put our best foot forward to change, new cut, fit, attitude etc.(that's the Mederma) deep down we are still the same. That's why people say 'the old me was about to come out' that's cuz the old you never went anywhere. Just depends on the situation. Best thing is to stay true to ones self!

  2. Wow ladies this makes me look at self a little more deeply. I have been troubled about allowing someone to comeback in my life listening to those around me saying oh I wouldn't have let him go cause of his cheating, but I decided that I loved me enough to know what was best for me. Thank you both for giving it to me straight.
