
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Self Esteem

So often do I hear people complain about so many things that are going on in their life but they never do anything to change. When you know better you do better so why stay stuck? The reason why is because they have low self esteem. Low self esteem sometimes doesn't show just by looking at a person on the outside. It shows by what they let come out of their mouth. A person that always has something negative to say about someone else has low self esteem. They feel they have to always down someone else to make them feel better when really it only makes you look worst. Another sign of low self esteem is seen in so many women that feel that they have to have a man in they life so bad that they will put up with his cheating, lies and the fact that he has nothing to offer you. I have been single for quite some time and I love it. Yeah you get lonely sometimes but I'd rather be by myself than be up crying my eyes out because of a man. We as women really need to learn to get it together. A man doesn't define a woman. It's a woman that defines a man!!!


  1. Omg!!! I was JUST talkin about this amongst friends. I cannot stand when a woman constantly says "I know I'm not ugly I know I'm not this or that (usually negative)".. yeah okay so why do you keep saying it are you looking for validation??. That same chick turns around and finds EVERYTHING negative to say about the next woman! Why? I feel like if that woman loved herself enough she wouldn't let the next woman's appearance matter. They don't!.. goodness everyone has their securities but we must find an outlet for that and attack it from the root. Self love is best love and everyone needs it.

  2. So true Ashley. As women we need to do better. Men have issues true indeed but you don't find many with low self esteem. Matter of fact most are over cocky with it. I mean yeah we all may notice a fashion no no but some really go too far.

  3. So true Ashley. As women we need to do better. Men have issues true indeed but you don't find many with low self esteem. Matter of fact most are over cocky with it. I mean yeah we all may notice a fashion no no but some really go too far.

  4. now this is real talk. this moved me to tears. bren we clicked from day one.... continue to keep it ya ......

  5. Thanks for following Lucy! I know that you all may not check in everyday but if you read the blog about friends all three of you ladies were basically mentioned!
