
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Money to be made

In this economy that we live in working a nine to five just won't cut it. Job stands for Just Over Broke. I mean I'm not knocking anyone who is content with a job but personally I want more. This blog is my first step to my corporation II Chance. However, until I make it there I have other things that I do on the side. I mean think about it....What is something that you are good at and enjoy doing? Do you like to cook? Then cater some dinners or lunches to family, friends, and local businesses. Please make sure you don't just like to cook but know how to cook and are a clean person. Or if you love to be in the presence of kids then childcare might be field for you. My latest venture is selling shades and accessories to supplement some extra income. The goal in whatever you do is to see some type of profit. Even in the toughest economy there is money to be made. There is no excuse for anyone not to make some type of money somehow because God has blessed us all with a talent it just may take some soul searching for you to find it.

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