
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Almost Gave In!

Today was a day of one disappointment after another. I guess you can say it was a test. I been around here acting like my life so peaches and creams and that can't nothing get me down. Well today slapped me with all it's mite! First the position I wanted to post out for does not hire for temps. Then just as I thought things were looking up the donor calls and says he gets fired so I can say forget about child support for a while. Next I had to damn near my 3 year old for crying cause I say she can't have a cheeseburger just to get pulled over 5 minutes later by the police for my brake lights.  At that point I was like what the hell??? Oh but it didn't stop there. I go to take a walk around the track and the other baby daddy fiance or whatever she want to be called there staring. Get home to my daughter ruining my dinner that all she had to do was watch over and to top it all off my baby girl think she Tarzan and swing on my sofa and missed her landing just to hit her head on the ground with a thud!!! Now how many of you have had a day like that? Yeah I must admit it has me undoubtedly irked but I'm about to go to my comfort zone and let the tears flow and leave them right there. I have to get it out and venting only makes me even more mad. Crying is my outlet and prayer is my redeemer. So yes I almost gave in today but instead of giving in and starting to hold my head down I'm going to give it up to God and still walk with my head held high!


  1. When I have days like that I fall on my knees and give it to the Lord. Make you a prayer closet. Im glad that you didnt give in/up. Im proud of you keeping making the strides to awesomeness everthing will pay off. Its your time/season. Love you my sister!!!!

  2. Thanks for the words of encouragment because it was truly one of those days.Giving it to God was all that I could do.
